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Description: matlab信号处理的基础源代码,如:比较相参积累和非相参积累、雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR)、相干相关K分布杂波、等等,总共有上百个m文件。
Platform: | Size: 166079 | Author: luhats | Hits:

[DSP programCFARzz

Description: CFAR代码,CFAR是用于雷达的一种滤波方法,称为平均值滤波,本程序给出了主程序以及CFAR-function,并且有噪音图和信号图,可以进行比较分析-CFAR code, CFAR radar for a filtering method, known as average filtering, the process is the main program and CFAR-function, and the noise and signal map plan, it can conduct a comparative analysis
Platform: | Size: 1053696 | Author: zz | Hits:

[transportation applicationstestlog

Description: 雷达信号杂波仿真中,对数正态杂波的CFAR分析程序-clutter radar signal simulation, the Lognormal clutter of CFAR analysis program
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhaojh | Hits:


Description: 这是一个雷达恒虚警matlab仿真程序,效果比较好-This is a radar CFAR matlab simulation program, the effect is better
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: MarkWong | Hits:


Description: 恒虚警监测的代码,可以在雷达的仿真中起到去噪作用,原理和结果都很清楚-CFAR monitoring code, the simulation of the radar to play the role of de-noising, principle and the results are well aware of
Platform: | Size: 1053696 | Author: 程凡永 | Hits:

[Special Effectscfar

Description: 本程序是基于恒虚警概率的sar图像分割.分出目标和杂波两部分。-sar segmentation based on cfar
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张蕊 | Hits:


Description: 利用matlab编写的横虚警检测程序,是本人论文中的子程序希望大家有用-Prepared by the use of cross-matlab CFAR procedures are in the thesis I hope everyone useful subroutines
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张阁 | Hits:


Description: Compute Classical CFAR binary detection threshold for radar detection under additive Gaussian white noise criterion and specified false alarm probability. -Compute Classical CFAR binary detection threshold for radar detection under additive Gaussian white noise criterion and specified false alarm probability.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: mid | Hits:

[Graph programdetectiononsarofcfar

Description: detection on sar of cfar
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: 杜朝刚 | Hits:


Description: Test CA-CFAR on FFT of sinusoidal beats with controllable SNR
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Khubaib | Hits:


Description: 再假定条件下雷达的快门限恒虚警处理及慢门限恒虚警处理-Further assumed that under the condition of the shutter limit radar CFAR processing and slow threshold CFAR processing
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 程程 | Hits:


Description: 雷达二维恒虚警算法 是合成孔径雷达的一个重要研究方向-CFAR radar two-dimensional synthetic aperture radar algorithm is an important research direction
Platform: | Size: 1278976 | Author: 邵超 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsex9_14

Description: ex9_14 雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR)。在雷达的数据中有很多的杂波,会造成虚警。所以我们必须进行处理,这里我们采用了慢门处理和快门处理,并且对处理后的结果进行比较-ex9_14 radar CFAR processing (CFAR). The radar data have a lot of clutter, this will result in false alarms. Therefore, we must deal with, here we have adopted a slow shutter door handle and deal with, and after the results were compared
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: rongyiyin | Hits:

[transportation applicationsMIMOpd

Description: MIMO雷达是最近几年兴起的一种新体制雷达,能够有效地克服目标RCS闪烁,本程序模拟仿真了MIMO雷达在高斯噪声背景中的检测性能以及恒虚警检测的性能。-MIMO radar is the rise in recent years, a new system of radar, which can effectively overcome the target RCS flashes, the process simulation of the MIMO radar detection Gaussian noise in the background performance and CFAR detection performance.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 余国辉 | Hits:


Description: 主要用于雷达信息处理领域中恒虚警的处理,该程序对理解cfar有很好的帮助-Mainly used for radar information processing in CFAR processing, the program has a good understanding cfar Help
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 万洋 | Hits:


Description: 压缩包是统计信号处理中雷达信号检测中的恒虚警处理方法,包括慢门限和快门限的原程序和结果-Archive is a statistical signal processing radar signal detection CFAR methods, including slow shutter limit threshold and the original procedures and results
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王广辉 | Hits:


Description: 我们知道进行雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR)是非常重要的-We know that the radar CFAR (CFAR) is very important
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王曼 | Hits:


Description: ca-cfar radar detection
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: rfoolti | Hits:

[Graph programcfar

Description: 基于matlab的cfar检测程序,识别sar图像中的船只,分为全局,局部和双参数检测。(Based on matlab's cfar detection program, the vessel in the sar image is identified and divided into global, local and dual parameter detection.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 惠心kbt | Hits:


Description: 雷达恒虚警检测(CFAR)一维距离像蒙特卡洛仿真,探究不同信噪比下CFAR检测概率,在一维CFAR基础上修改程序得到。参考《雷达信号处理基础》一书。(One dimensional range profile Monte Carlo simulation of CFAR is used to explore the probability of CFAR detection under different signal-to-noise ratio. The program is modified based on one-dimensional CFAR. Refer to the book "Fundamentals of radar signal processing".)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: woyaokaobo | Hits:
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